Thailand to enforce new measures against online fraud

Thailand is set to implement a new law this month, aimed at curbing online fraud by holding telecom firms and financial institutions more accountable for victims’ losses.

The 2023 Emergency Decree on Cybercrime Prevention and Suppression seeks to ensure these entities play a larger role in protecting consumers. It requires banks, telecom providers, social platforms, and websites to take proactive measures against cyber fraud.

According to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Economy and Society Prasert Jantararuangtong, the decree will hold financial institutions and mobile operators responsible for losses incurred by victims.

The ministry is planning additional measures, including supervision on selling SIM cards to juristic persons to tackle criminal activities, and will discuss this issue with the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission, Prasert said.

The ministry has also planned to collaborate with the Anti-Money Laundering Office and relevant agencies on disrupting money laundering operations, as well as boosting efficiency in screening mule accounts and transferring cash into cryptocurrencies.

On January 1, the ministry launched a measure which stipulated that messengers who send SMS messages containing URLs must register and collaborate with mobile operators before sending, The Nation cited the Deputy PM as saying.

Prasert added that the ministry is accelerating efforts to deal with cyber crimes as an urgent government policy, especially blocking all illegal social media pages and websites to disrupt criminal activities.

From October to December last year, 52,691 illegal social media pages and websites were blocked, higher than 31,154 in the same period from October to December 2023, he said.



《2023 年预防和打击网络犯罪紧急法令》旨在确保这些机构在保护消费者方面发挥更大作用。该法令要求银行、电信运营商、社交平台及网站积极采取措施打击网络诈骗。


巴塞称,该部门正在筹划更多举措,包括对向法人出售 SIM 卡进行监管以打击犯罪活动,并将与国家广播和电信委员会商讨这一问题。

该部门还计划与反洗钱办公室及相关机构合作,打击洗钱活动,同时提高筛查 “骡子账户”(用于非法资金转移的账户)以及将现金转换为加密货币的筛查效率。

据《民族报》援引这位副总理的话报道,1 月 1 日,该部门推出一项措施,规定发送含有网址链接短信的发信人在发送前必须进行注册,并与移动运营商合作。


他表示,去年 10 月至 12 月,共封锁了 52691 个非法社交媒体页面和网站,高于 2023 年 10 月至 12 月同期的 31154 个。